Get back to nature, breathe the fresh air, catch up and grow food from ...
Gentle warm up boxing style non combat fitness then calming meditation and...
Listening to calming music and a soothing voice will guide you into&nb...
Would you benefit from receiving free therapy?Croydon Talking Therapies provides...
Our patient and experienced teacher will guide you through ways t...
Come online and meet other members of Active Minds for a weekly c...
Gentle stroll around in nature, to catch up and connect and enjoy the scen...
Active Minds is a social inclusion service that encourages service users to look...
A chance to play table tennis among friends in our welcoming small gro...
Tai Chi sessionsWhen: Mondays from 10.00am - 11.00amTake part in the...
Excellent coaching in our friendly group.Location: South Croydon Sports&nbs...
Learn how to play with the fantastic coaches in a fun and friendly gro...
Use gentle stretches and deep breaths to calm your mind and...