Autism Support - Employment Support: Full Time supported programme for young autistic 18-25 year olds (ES&E)


CareTrade, The Autism Project (TAP) is a full-time 2-year supported employment programme for young autistic people (18-25 years old) who would like to work but feel they need more confidence and experience. Learners attend work experience placements in real working environments such as hospitals, hotels, shops and administrative offices.

TAP staff use person-centred planning,  we aim to support learners in reaching their individual goals as defined in their Education Health and Care Plans (EHCP). Throughout the course, there is a high level of 1:1 support and learners have access to weekly SaLT and tutorial sessions (PSHE) if needed. Learners also have individual targets set to improve their communication, confidence, and work skills, appropriate support is put in place to achieve these.

In the 2nd year learners are supported to develop their interview and job searching skills in weekly careers sessions. Once ready they will begin job searching (supported by TAP staff) and hopefully gain paid employment, a paid apprenticeship or further vocational training of their choice.

The Autism Project also supports young people to improve their independent travel skills, become involved in their community and take steps to stay healthy through enrichment activities and social groups that run across all CareTrade services.

Who is the service for? Young autistic adults, living in London (or be able to travel into central London).

Criteria for access to service: A diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Disorder/Condition, aged 18-25, wants to work. Has or is in the process of being assessed for an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP).

How are decisions made to access the service: The Autism Project has an admissions policy and criteria which is strictly adhered to and is available on request.

Qualifications and Training provided: City & Guilds Qualifications (Entry 2 to Level 2) in Functional Skills (English & Maths) if needed, SkillUp sessions (skills for work), intensive supported work experience, mock interviews and job searching, a one to one independent careers advice and guidance session.

Accessibility of this service: Learners (and their parents/carers) are responsible for ensuring learners are able to get to and from work placements and home. We have job coaches and workplace mentors (who receive support plans and training on how to support our learners) who will assist learners with any daily needs or difficulties they may face in their work placements. Individuals also need to be responsible for their own personal care.

How can I access this service? We accept consultations from Local Authorities and will support young people and families to apply if they contact us on our website or email

All learners are required to have an EHCP in place prior to starting. Any additional support needs should be discussed when applying to ensure the correct support is in place prior to starting.

How is this service funded? A young person’s place is funded by their Local Authority. This usually requires an EHCP to be in place or for an assessment to be in progress.

Confidentiality and Impartiality: The service is confidential, and you will be asked for permission for us to speak with professionals on your behalf. We have a duty to report safeguarding issues.

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