Croydon Voluntary Action - Active Communities Hub

Organisation Contact Details
Aims & Activities
The Active Communities Hub is a safe, community space in Centrale Shopping Centre where residents of Croydon are encouraged to get active and improve their physical and mental health.
Main Address
Active Communities Hub, Upper mall (opposite Starbucks), Centrale Shopping Centre, 21 N End, Croydon, CR0 1TY, United Kingdom
Main Tel Number
0208 2537070
Main Email Address
Beeja Dance Classes

Beeja runs regular bharatantyam, bollywood, folk and wellness classes for childr...

Quality Assured Provider
Current Sessions

Monday Croydon Vineyard - English classBeejaTuesdayYoga - Gayteri 2-3pmWedn...

Quality Assured Provider
Foodbank: Thursday - Central Croydon

Thursday Foodbank run by Project for Youth Empowerment When: Every Thursday fro...

Quality Assured Provider
Beeja Dance Classes
Quality Assured Provider Volunteering Role
Current Sessions
Quality Assured Provider Volunteering Role
Foodbank: Thursday - Central Croydon
Quality Assured Provider Volunteering Role