Aims & Activities
Music Relief Foundation is a youth charity 1185747 presently situated in Croydon, South London. Young people face numerous challenges but we believe that by working with them through this difficult period in their lives, we can help equip them with the skills they need to navigate through the challenges of their youth and become leaders of the future. We aim to provide young people with a strong practical and emotional foundation from which they can grow into healthy, confident and successful young adults. To achieve this we harness the natural talents of young people — their creativity, their curiosity, and their burgeoning confidence. As our name suggests, we encourage in particular the power of music and the arts to help connect young people to the issues that they care about. We aim to help young people find their own voice within our community and let them be a part of the national conversation around “young people”.
Main Address
Thornton Heath Leisure Centre, 100, High Street, Croydon, London, CR7 8LF, United Kingdom