Change Grow Live (CGL)

Organisation Contact Details
Aims & Activities
CGL provides a range of services to support individuals, families and communities whose lives are adversely affected by crime, substance misuse, homelessness, anti-social behaviour, domestic violence, social deprivation and lack of opportunity. The Charity works with challenging service users with complex needs, including those with entrenched drug habits and offending behaviour.
Main Address
3rd Floor Tower Point, 44, North Road, Brighton, BN1 1YR, United Kingdom
Main Tel Number
0300 123 9288
Main Email Address
Drug and Alcohol Service Croydon - Supporting people with substance misuse (A&SM)

Change Grow Live  Croydon supports people with drug and alcohol problems an...

Quality Assured Provider
Homelessness: Supporting people with substance misuse issues and homelessness (HN)

Change Grow Live  Drug and Alcohol Service - Croydon supports people with drug a...

Quality Assured Provider