Croydon Methodist Circuit

Organisation Contact Details
Aims & Activities
We have 8 church congregations across the Borough of Croydon. Each offers a range of services for people across age ranges, including youth organisations and services for vulnerable adults.
Main Address
West Croydon Methodist Church, 93, London Road, CR0 2RF, Croydon, CR0 2RF, United Kingdom
Main Tel Number
020 8774 9356
Main Email Address
Food Bank: Wednesday - Hot food & Food Parcel - West Croydon (FB)

We are providing a hot takeaway meal and a food parcel for the day for the homel...

Quality Assured Provider
Homelessness: Wednesday-Hot meal & food parcel for the homeless - West Croydon (HN)

We are providing a hot takeaway meal and a food parcel for the day for the homel...

Quality Assured Provider