What is Neighbourhood Watch – Croydon?
The aim of Croydon Neighbourhood Watch is to bring neighbours together to create strong, friendly, active communities where crime and anti-social behaviour are less likely to happen. It’s about people looking out for each other, crossing barriers of age and background to create real communities where no one has to feel vulnerable or isolated. Where neighbours look out for those in their road who are elderly or vulnerable. Residents are encouraged to report all incidents to the relevant agencies to try and help prevent crime before it happens.
For more information contact: 07454573453 or nhw@cbnwa.com
Organisation | Croydon North East Local Community Partnership |
Address | Fire Station, 90 Old Town, Croydon, CR0 1AR, United Kingdom |
Phone | |
Family Centre Fieldway
Croydon Voluntary Action
Croydon South West Local Community Partnership