Local Community Partnerships in Croydon Central-East

Croydon Voluntary Action

Woodside, Shirley, Addiscombe East, & Park Hill

Building on the strong foundations of previous Local Community Partnerships events – Croydon Central-East locality, Sarah Burns, Head of Communities for CVA and Andrew Slegg, Community Led Support for Croydon, invite colleagues’ further involvement in initiating and shaping the community foundations of One Croydon's Local Community Partnership in this locality.

You are invited to join your 'Local Community Partnership.

At each event, we are working on:

  1. Sharing information about the organisations/ groups based in each locality as we seek to strengthen our connections: So: What we do? What’s going well? What are the challenges being faced? Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) organisations based in the locality will be invited to speak first, but other VCS organisations working in the locality will be most welcome, as will be Council and Health colleagues as we seek to increase our local knowledge and strengthen our partnership working
  2. Updates on One Croydon and locality plans
  3. Community Plans- we will explore the priority themes that have been identified by the group in more detail and link up to our borough-wide recovery plans

Of course, the effectiveness of our work and what we are able to achieve will be largely determined by how representative a group we are. So please continue to give your fantastic support to the ‘Local Community Partnerships’ programme by attending this important event and by sharing this invitation with your fellow citizens and colleagues.

Meetings will either be online or at a locality within Croydon Central-East

Click on the following dates to book your space

Wednesday 23rd March 10:00 - 12:30 GMT

Wednesday 15th June 10:00 - 12:30 GMT

Wednesday 19th October 10:00 - 12:30 GMT

Wednesday 11th January 2023 10:00 - 12:30 GMT

Sessions Run

Wednesday morning

Contact details

Organisation Croydon Voluntary Action
Contact name Kay Rhodes
Address CVA Resource Centre, 82, London Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 2TB, United Kingdom
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