Home Library Service

Croydon Libraries

Croydon Libraries offer a free service for residents who are unable to visit their local branch.

Every six weeks, straight from the library and delivered to your door, our team will carefully choose a selection of books, audiobooks, DVDs, CDs or jigsaws.

This service is offered to Croydon residents who are:

  • adults or children with ill health, reduced mobility or disabilities
  • the elderly
  • unable to visit a library building

Residents are eligible for this service whether they live in their own home, in sheltered accomodation or residential care .

Get in touch for more information or to apply.

Telephone: 020 7884 5158

Email: homelibraryservice@croydon.gov.uk

Contact details

Organisation Croydon Libraries
Address Central Library, Croydon Clocktower, unknown, Katharine Street, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 1ET, United Kingdom
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