Connect to Work Programme - Who is it for? Eligibility and Suitability
- Hidden unemployed– economically inactive, disabled people with health conditions, or those with more complex barriers to work who are outside the labour market, from a specified disadvantaged group
- Employed – Helping those in work but at risk of falling out of the labour market
- Not eligible - Any local or national supported employment programme such as Individual Placement Support for Alcohol and Drug Dependence and Individual Placement and Support for Severe Mental Illness should not be accessed by individuals simultaneously with the supported employment programme. If these services are available, there should be consideration as to which one is more appropriate for the individual.
Connect to Work is different from other DWP programmes, and has been codeveloped with national and local experts to ensure the programme delivers impactful outcomes. There are two models of support being provided through the programme:
- IPS: Individual Placement and Support - personalised and strength-based approach to support people experience mental health difficulties, to find a job of their choosing.
- SEQF: Supported Employment Quality – a model to ensure everyone with a disability and/or neurodivergence seeking paid employment receive high-quality support to find, maintain, and flourish in well-matched employment
Introduction Channels
Primary: GPs, Primary Care, Health Providers, VCSE, Local Authorities
Secondary: JCPs and Employers